
There are two root elements in <three-canvas>: three-engine and three-canvas. The former is a bit more complex than the latter but fully customizable. The latter is easy but less customizable.

Fully customizable manner is as follows:

<three-engine width="200" height="200">
  <three-renderer antialias="true" clear-color="#000000"></three-renderer>
    <three-camera position="0,0,8" look-at="0,0,0"></three-camera>
    <three-light position="0.577,0.577,0.577" color="#cccccc"></three-light>
    <three-light type="ambient" color="#333333"></three-light>
      <three-material color="#ffffff" map="../images/earth.jpg"></three-material>
      <three-sphere-geometry radius="1"></three-sphere-geometry>

If you know well about three.js, this code must be very straight-forward for you because tag names and their structure correspond to three.js objects. If you don't know about three.js very well, please don't worry. There are some syntax sugars to make this more simple.

By utilizing these all sugars, tags to show the earth become as follows:

<three-canvas width="200" height="200" antialias="true" clear-color="#000000" default-light="true">
  <three-camera position="0,0,8" look-at="0,0,0"></three-camera>
  <three-sphere radius="1" color="#ffffff" map="../images/earth.jpg"></three-sphere>

It's simple enough, isn't it?